Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"At the reunion"

Maybe you'll recognize a relative or two in the reunion picture.
As a kid, reunions scared me a little - older relatives swooping down on you with hugs and kisses and invading one's personal space.
I never figured out that a child is just the latest chapter in a very long book that everyone else had read.

Our group is on the little redhead's side. It's obvious they'd read the "book" and are enjoying this latest chapter.

The lady in green is modeled after a very gracious woman I knew. Always thought it would be cool to have shoes with little sparkles on them.

Here's a bit more of the book. Thanks to my H.S. Students for using their computer skills adding water marks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I get a kick out of this guy. Even with his uni-brow, he looks the world straight in the eye with confidence, and a sense of humor.

He starts off the "Fantastic Facts about Redheads" section at the back of the book. People seem to enjoy that part as much as the story.

Welcome to the new Momma Says blog spot. Thanks for dropping in.

This is a private printing of a pet project which has been on the back burner for oh, 15 years, give or take a year. I know, some of my students will say it took their whole life time for me to get just one book finished. You wait, your time is coming. :)

If you'd like to take a look please continue on. Feel free to leave comments here or email me at mommasaysbook.gmail.com.

On the other hand, if you've seen the work in progress over the years and have my address, just send $10.00 (covers book, tax, postage and shipping) and tell me where to send it.